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Thousands of real people who want to buy products like the ones you sell come to every day. We do the hard work for you, you just need to get listed, and get ready to grow your business :)

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299.88 50% Off! 149.94/year

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599.88 50% Off! 299.94/year

Our best value, you’ll be featured in every city in every state across the nation!  These are our most premium listings and sell out fast.


Featured Citywide Listing


Stand out from the crowd with a Featured Citywide Listing.  We highly recommend this affordable way to grow your business.  With this listing, your enhanced listing is shown above Basic Listings.  You also get access to some awesome benefits, including access to Bonus Leads and your own FindSalesRep Wall.

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Featured Statewide Listing

Get found in every town and city in your state by people looking for your products and opportunity!

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Featured Regional Listing

Get found in every town and city in every state in your region!  

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Featured Nationwide Listing

maximum exposure

Be a leader with a Featured Nationwide Listing.  Our most premium listing option, and our best value because you get listed on every page for your company in every state in your country!

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Why Get Listed on

It’s Easy

Who said internet marketing had to be hard?  Setting up an account is as easy as creating a social media profile.

It's Affordable

We have a package for everyone, from a Basic Listing to a Featured Nationwide Listing

It’s a Bonus

With a Featured Citywide Listing or above, you have access to “Bonus Leads” and your own Wall so you can promote your products and opportunity.

It Works

We’ve helped tens of thousands of people find reps, and thousands of reps have gotten found on our site.  Some reps say we are the foundation of their business!

Bonus Leads

With a Featured Citywide Listing or above, get access to Bonus Leads.  These are real people who came to our site looking for a rep but couldn't find one, so we ask you to help them out.


Your Own Profile Page

This is a place for you to be, well, you.  You get to tell everyone all about yourself, your company, what your favorite products are, etc.  And to make sure your page is found quickly, we let the world know right away with a tweet!


Your Own FindSalesRep Wall

With a Featured Citywide Listing or above, you get your very own FindSalesRep Wall.  This is your very own “soap box” to talk about everything related to your business.  We may even share your posts on Pinterest, Twitter, and more, increasing the chance you’ll get found!


Testimonials from Customers


Aubrey B.

A FindSalesRep Customer

So when I first found out about you guys, I thought it was an amazing idea, however I was a little weary about paying for a listing. A little while ago I won a contest for a free listing. It has been AMAZING! When it is time to renew, I WILL be paying!!! Since being listed, I've gotten several orders, booked a party and last night I just SIGNED A RECRUIT!!!! Findsalesrep Get Found is an amazing concept. Thank you for all you do!


A FindSalesRep Customer

Thank you for this lead! I was able to help this woman who had bad luck with a consultant not responding to her or helping meet her needs for her products. Even though I'm not local, I assured her I had been doing this a while and wasn't going anywhere and would stay on top of it by emailing her or texting her, whatever she needed. We are even connecting on facebook so she can easily reach out. Thank you for the help finding this customer to make happy!


Shaana Rhoads, Advocare All Stars

A FindSalesRep Customer

Thank you FSR! This lead joined my team today as well as bought product! You Rock!

Anna Ricci, NYR Organic

A FindSalesRep Customer

Thank you for the most recent referral. I am so grateful! She had been researching companies and found NYR ORGANIC. She did more research on the company and decided to represent NYR Organic and joined my team. She is a wonderful person and I feel blessed that she joined our team as a consultant.


Patti N.

A FindSalesRep Customer

You guys are amazing your leads led me to a local lady who booked a january show! THANKS THANKS THANKS

Dana D.

A FindSalesRep Customer

Hi everyone! I am Dana with Partylite and wanted to give you some results from a Lead that I was given! I spoke with the person via email and helped them with some questions and yesterday they placed an order on my website and I now have a new customer! Thank you! Not only did you help a customer with a need but also helped me gain a valued customer!


Joann Delcorso

A FindSalesRep Customer

You did it, again, I am having the best birthday week, I got a new customer, you are priceless!!

Marissa B.

A FindSalesRep Customer

Thanks for the a sale from this one.



A FindSalesRep Customer

Hello my name is Marbella from Atlanta, GA. I represent Ava Anderson Non-Toxic Skin Care & Cosmetics-Marbella and since I joined FSR..I have gotten a couple of sales, a lead for a possible sign on and a people wondering what is Ava Anderson Non Toxic. Thank you FSR...keep the leads coming.


A FindSalesRep Customer

Thank you! Always love doing business with you!!!!!


A FindSalesRep Customer

Thank you so much for going that extra mile. When do you sleep by the way?


Sherise F.

A FindSalesRep Customer

One of the leads that I received from you yesterday is about to lead to a minim $500 order!!! The woman is doing a basket bingo for charity and needs over $500 in baskets (Longaberger)!! She tried contacting reps in her area but nobody ever returned her phone calls!! THEIR LOSS!  Thank you so much for this service.


Nikki R. Royal

A FindSalesRep Customer and FindSalesRep Consultant*

Once, again, FSR comes thru fantastically!! Contacted potential customer and while on that 10 minute phone call we placed her order online. She is a 75 year old firecracker who is sweet as pie!


A FindSalesRep Customer

Hi Findsalesrep ... I have been coming on this page for awhile now looking for leads in my area and not seeing any. I would see leads but not try to get them because the would be in States nowhere near me. One day last week I just started grabbing any and all that I could and have 2 possible catalog parties from these leads neither one of them is near me but that's fine because I realized that if these women had Consultants in their area the more than likely wouldn't be searching your site for them and the business I'm in can be conducted anywhere. Thank you Findsalesrep keep posting good leads.


A FindSalesRep Customer

I have to say, I just got a new team member, I know she found me in a search. I'm SURE your page helped in that!

Irma Bennett - Kyani Inc

Irma Bennett

Featured Statewide Listing

I’m an Independent distributor for Kyani Inc. I joined FindSalesRep about 1 month ago. About 2 weeks ago, I had a wonderful lady contact me wanting more information about the Kyani Product. She plans on ordering product and becoming a distributor once she gets back from her vacation. The cool thing is she will be in my area during her vacation and we plan on meeting. How cool is that, meeting my future distributor. Thank you for keeping your word about helping us with our business. You guys ROCK!

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Featured Statewide Listing


You’re a Local Legend

299.88 50% Off! 149.94/year

Get all of the benefits of a Featured Citywide listing, plus get found in every city in your state.

Featured Regional Listing


You're A Player!

449.88 50% Off! 224.94/year

Get all of the benefits of a Featured Statewide Listing, plus get found in every city in every state in your Region.

Featured Nationwide Listing


You're Nationwide!

599.88 50% Off! 299.94/year

Our best value, you’ll be featured in every city in every state across the nation!  These are our most premium listings and sell out fast.

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